August 2, 2004 |
New Mail Server Update
Users who left email on abacate (i.e. those who use(d) webmail or pine to read their
emails can still access their old messages using the old webmail service
http://webm.ic.uff.br. Users can forward these old email to
their new account using the address username@manga.ic.uff.br. Pine users: in
addition to the notes in the quick help guide, you also
need to configure the smtp server and user domain fields to smtp.ic.uff.br
and ic.uff.br, respectively.
July 28, 2004 |
New Mail Server
At 5.30pm, our email service will switch over to a new server and new email system.
A quick help guide is available to explain the subtle changes and
configure your favorite email clients.
July 28, 2004 |
User Jobs on Manga
Users are no longer permitted to execute jobs (programs) on the server manga.ic.uff.br.
July 2, 2003 |
Access to Solaris Machines
Users who wish to access the Solaris SUN Ultra machines (e.g. to run MPI LAM programs) must first logon to cambuci.ic.uff.br via telnet and then use rlogin to access the machine of your choice. cambuci can be accessed from any machine on the local network or via ssh ssh.ic.uff.br from outside the laboratory.
April 30, 2003 |
New Mail Server
The new mail server is up and running. A web page is available on how to configure your favorite email clients.
April 23, 2003 |
Disk Quotas
Due to the lack of disk space and the excessively high and (so far) unjustified disk usage by some users, disk space is now being limited to 100 Mbytes for undergraduate accounts and 200 Mbytes for postgraduate accounts.
User who required more disk space should ask their supervisors to send an email to suporte@ic.uff.br justifying a larger quota.
April 11, 2003 |
Lab Windows PC
The Laboratory's Windows PC (in Sala J1) has been fixed and is back online. Username and password are on the Lab white board. |
April 10, 2003 |
Advance Notice: Brand new Mail Service
For various reasons, the Lab will change its mail service soon. This change will now probable take effect in MAY 1st, 2003.
All active user accounts should have already been configured.
In your home directory, you should now find a directory called Maildir.
If you have don't, send an email to suporte@ic.uff.br.
This new server no longer saves incomming email on the mail server but instead stores the email in each recipients account. The server also offers a Webmail service which allows users to read their mail remotely via a WWW browser. A web page is available on how to configure your favorite email clients.
February 25, 2003 |
Automatic Closure of Lab Accounts
If you cant access your account or read your email, your account may have been closed. As outlined in the Lab Regulations, lab accounts are valid predetermined lengths of time. If users who require their accounts for long must apply for an extention by filling out a new account form.
December 11, 2002 |
Solaris Workstations
All five Solaris-based Sun Ultra Workstation are operational (pitomba and camboim are back in service). The printer for these machines is now aveia. The printer malte is being relocated.
28th Aug 2002 |
Closure of our FTP Service
ftp will longer be available to and from Laboratory machines. This even includes anonymous ftp via WWW browers. Users should instead use the secure version sftp to transfers their personal files. A sftp client is available on the Laboratory's download page for Windows users. Web page maintainers should change all ftp links to http ones.
27th Aug 2002 |
Mail Server is FULL
The mail server is full again! Please delete your old email or atleast use a mail client (e.g. netscape) which copies your email to your own directory. Users should not need to be reminded of Lab Regulation 6.2 and its consequences.
22nd May 2002 |
File Manager on Solaris
Reminder: Dont waste your time trying to use the file manager program in the OpenWindows environment (on the Solaris machine in Sala H). This program is not working properly (it is really, really slow). If, at some point, we don't have anything better to do we might try to fix it. Therefore, instead of using this program, learn about Unix and use the command line!
29th Apr 2002 |
Paper for printers
Due to failure of certain users to abide by Lab regulations (in this case Lab Regulations 16 and 17 and Lab news of 23rd Nov 2001), printer paper will no longer be provided freely to students.
10th Apr 2002 |
The Linux Servers Manga and Mangostin
The linux servers manga and mangostin have been disactivated. All of their services will taken over by our new server abacate. If you notice any problems, please let us know.
10th Apr 2002 |
Remote Access to the Laboratory
The only server which will accept remote (ssh) connections is ssh.ic.uff.br (also known as abacate.ic.uff.br). All remote connections must be made via this server (i.e. connect to this server and then rlogin to local machine of your choice). See Accessing the Laboratory Remotely for more information. The FTP server ftp.ic.uff.br is now abacate.ic.uff.br.
30th Jan 2002 |
Acesso ao Laboratório
Acesso ao Laboratório da Pós-Graduação esta sendo controlado por uma nova sistema de cartão. Todos os usuários devem fazer um recadastramento de seus cartão na secretaria da coordenação das 10h às 16h.
24th Jan 2002 |
Hacker Alert
When logging in, please attention to the date of your last login:
[pitomba:vefr][17:39:21]> rlogin cambuci
Last login: Thu Jan 24 17:30:48 from pitomba
Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.5.1 Generic May 1996
If you dont remember logging in at this time, enter in contact with suporte@ic.uff.br immediately!
10th Jan 2002 |
O servidor de correio voltou para a maquina cambuci, mas devido
o atraso dos servidors de DNS externos para atualisar, os emails podem ainda
chegar no servidor manga. Entao por favor lembrar de ler seu email de
cambuci e manga durante os proximos dias (isto é para nao perder email
ler mail com POP server manga.ic.uff.br e com cambuci.ic.uff.br).
Se voce nao esta conseguindo mandar email via o SMTP server
smtp.ic.uff.br tentar cambuci.ic.uff.br.
3rd Jan 2002 |
The mailer server cambuci is sick. Unfortunately, most of the email that arrived after midday may be lost. The mail service has been moved to another machine and these changes should take effect by midnight tonight. Note that users may continue to use cambuci for computing jobs. Workstations pitomba, murici and omega are not accepting remote logins (rlogin). This will probably cause problems for MPI programs running on the solaris machines. We are still trying to resolve these problems.
19th Dec 2001 |
Disk Space Shortage: [New Lab Regulation 26] The students disk space is completely full. Until all user accounts are transfered to the new server, a soft disk quota of 200 Mbytes is being placed on all students accounts.
"Soft" means the Lab supervisor is asking students politely (for the last time) to clean up their own directories (see Regulation 21). If this option does not improve matters, a hard disk quota will enforced in which case accounts exceeding the limit will automatically be closed down. Due to the inconsiderate behaviour of a few students, many others are unable to access their accounts and carry out their work. If the situation does not improve in 24 hours, the names of the students in question will be made public!
21st Dec 2001 |
Na sexta-feira, o laboratório funcionará somente até 16:00 Horas. Motivo: Dedetização.
12th Dec 2001 |
Users logged on to Solaris Machines can now use the printer malte (currently to be found Sun Workstations murici and omega in Sala 1). This is a temporary measure until both of the printers, mel and aveia, are back online.
Nov - Dec 2001 |
Lab Ups and Downs. Unfortunately, the network (or parts of it) may go down without notice due to the hot weather (we are still waiting for the air-conditioners to be serviced).
Also, the system configuration is under going a process of upgrades and reorganisation. This will require the system to be off-line a number of times during this process. Every attempt will be made to keep this downtime as short as possible.
28th Nov 2001 |
The Sun Ultra (Solaris) Workstation omega has been moved the ic.uff.br domain and is now available for use by IC users.
26th Nov 2001 |
Workstation pitanga (the server for the printer aveia) is again with a disk problem. This means, unfortunately, that aveia will be off-line until further notice.
23rd Nov 2001 |
Atenção Todos os Usuarios As novas normas (regras) do Laboratório já entrou em vigor.
Devido à falta de ética em relação ao uso dos recursos do Laboratório da Pós-Graduação, a Coordenação vem, por meio deste, estabelecer regras para utilização das impressoras.
- Relatórios e Trabalhos destinados a orientadores;
- Artigos a serem lidos relacionados com o Mestrado ou IC;
- Versões das dissertações.
- A impressão de informações particulares ou qualquer outra coisa não relacionada com o curso.
O não cumprimento das regras acarretará no cancelamento de sua conta.
Aug - Dec 2001
Public service announcement: Economise ENERGY!! Switch off the monitor of the computer after use. Do not switch on the air conditioning unless necessary. Do you really need to use all those lights?
December 2001 |
Advance Notice The domain pgcc.uff.br will be all but shutdown to existing users by 31st December 2001. This process is already underway. All home directories and email accounts will be deleted. All users should therefore take the appropriate steps to safeguard their important data now. Please remember to update your email address on mailing lists.
1st Oct 2001 |
Although the graphics board of the solaris workstation camboim is not working properly (and it is unlikey to be fixed), the workstation can still be used to run jobs remotely.
24th Sept 2001 |
There seems to be a disk problem with the Workstation pitanga. This machine is the server for the printer aveia. Unfortunately, this means that this printer will be off-line until further notice.
22nd August 2001 |
The Windows PC in Sala 3 has been upgraded Windows 2000 (Red Code protected). Software which has been installed includes Office, Acrobat Reader and an antivirus program. This machine should only be used for preparing or printing windows-based documents. Do NOT attempt to install software on this machine! (see the Lab Notice Board for access).
This is the only Windows machine with Lab support.
27th July 2001 |
The PC running Windows NT (Sala 3) which crashed has been fixed. Most of that data has been recovered. Note that the configuration of this machine has been changed (see the Lab Notice Board for access).
25th June 2001 |
All MPI user MUST read the new local user guide and man pages before
running their programs on the Solaris machines. Look here first. |