Dear visitor, this page is completely outdated (Sept 2001), but remains here for strictly historical reasons and also since I haven't had time to transfer what useful information still exists to our new site
Course Reading Material
Mark Baker, Rajkumar Buyya and Dan Hyde, Cluster Computing: A High-Performance Contender, IEEE Computer, July 1999. [PDF file, 85 Kbytes]
Mark Baker and Rajkumar Buyya, Cluster Computing at a Glance. In R. Buyya (ed.), High Performance Cluster Computing: Architectures and Systems, chapter 1. [Postscript file, 1.48 Mbytes]
Mark Baker and Rajkumar Buyya, Cluster Computing: The Commodity Supercomputing. Software - Practice and Experience, Vol. 1(1) Jan 1999??. [Postscript file, 256 Kbytes]
On-line version of the journal Annual Review of Scalable Computing, Vol. 1 - 4. Edited by Professor Yuen Chung Kwong, Dept. of Computer Science, National University of Singapore.
Home Pages
Dr. Rajkumar Buyya, Monash University, Australia.
Dr. Mark Baker, The University of Portsmouth, UK.
Dr. Cho-Li Wang, The University of Hong Kong, China.
Prof. Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory and The University of Chicago, USA.
Prof. Jack Dongarra, The University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA.
IEEE Pages
The IEEE Task Force on Cluster Computing (TFCC) home page and mirror sites in Australia, UK, and USA.
- The Task Force's white paper on Cluster Computing.
The IEEE Task Force on Cluster Computing's Newsletter.
The IEEE Task Force on Cluster Computing's Education home page.
The IEEE Distributed Systems Cluster Computing Home Page.
The IEEE Distributed Systems Grid Computing Home Page.
Building Beowulf Clusters (Documentation)
An online book on Engineering a Beowulf-style Compute Cluster.
Designing and Building Beowulf-class Cluster Computers.
Building Linux Beowulf Clusters.
Beowulf HOWTO.
HOW TO build a Beowulf Cluster written by Jacek Radajewski and Dr. Douglas Eadline.
Another HOW TO on Beowulf Installation and Adminstration also written by J. Radajewski and Dr. Eadline.
A draft version of Cluster Quick Start, commonly sought after information for getting started, written by Dr. Eadline.
A FAQ for Cocoa, a Beowulf Cluster at Pennsylvania State University.
Rick Bono's Pondermatic IV.
Building Beowulf Clusters (Software)
SCL Cluster Cookbook from the Scalable Computing Laboratory at Ames.
Alphawork's Cluster Starter Kit for Linux.
The Scalable Cluster Environment is a set of interoperable opensource tools that enable users to build and use Beowulf cluster effectively to solve their problems. SCE was developed by Parallel Research Group, Department of Computer Engineering at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand. [SCE Manual 1.0 gzipped postscript 3.67Mbytes]
OSCAR is a software bundle snapshot, from the Open Cluster Group, of the current best known methods for building, programming and using clusters.
Cluster Management Software (CMS)
Condor (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science)
Fábio Barreto's MS powerpoint presentation about CMS for clusters.
The Smile Cluster Management System is part of the Scalable Cluster Environment (see above) from the Kasetsart University.
Scyld Beowulf from the Scyld Corporation.
Grid Computing
Grid Computing Info Centre
IEEE Distributed Systems list of Grid Computing Projects around the world.
Cristina Boeres' Metacomputing Page of Grid projects.
The Globus Toolkit
Sun Grid Engine Software. Open source resource management software from Sun Microsystems.
NASA's Information Power Grid. An advanced distributed computing environment.
The Grid Forum.
The book The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure, edited by Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman. [Chapter Abstacts]
Conferences at Home
The Grid Workshop to be held in conjunction with LISHEP 2002 at UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 7th and 8th of February 2002. With an "all-star" list of invited speakers, a definite must!!
Conferences Abroad
The IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster2001) was held in Newport Beach, California, USA, from October 8-11, 2001. Most of the talks are now available on-line under the Program and Tutorials page.
The IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid2001) was held in Brisbane, Australia, from May 15-18, 2001. Some of the tutorials and talks are available on-line under the link to the Final Program. Courtesy of IEEE TFCC and Elsevier Science, the FGCS special issue with extended versions of the Best Papers from CCGrid2001 is available online.
The First IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing (GRID 2000) was held in Bangalore, India, from December 17-20, 2000. The proceedings are available on-line.
Cluster News Links
Planet Cluster
Parallel Crunchers
Beowulf Underground
Clusters@TOP500 A list of high performance clusters is launched by TOP500.
Further Information
A Cluster Computing Resource Page
The Top 100 Clusters
Benchmarks Programs for Clusters
An Open Framework for High-Availability and High-Performance Clusters by Alan Robertson (IBM Linux Technology Center). A related talk by Alan entitled Clustering on Linux.
The Linux Clustering Information Center
The Berkeley NOW Project
The Beowulf Project
Related Information
See the reference links on the Home Page of IC-UFF's MSc courses on Arquiteturas Paralelas.
An online book on Designing and Building Parallel Programs, published by Addison-Wesley (1995). This book provides an introduction to parallel program design and parallel programming, and discusses CC++, Fortran M, HPF, and MPI.
Another online book (draft) by Alice E. Koniges, Morris A. Jette, and David C. Eder all from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Margaret Cahir, Robert Moench, Sara Graffunder and Jeff Brooks from SGI/Cray Research, Part 1: The Parallel Computing Environment. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Linux Parallel Processing HOWTO
[ Top ]
Last modified on the 17th December 2001, Vinod Rebello.