Bruno Lopes

Short bio
I am a Professor at Universidade Federal Fluminense (IC/UFF) and researcher at FR∀M∃ Lab. I have been a visiting scholar at Deduc˫eam/INRIA. I have been working mainly with logics for concurrent systems but I also have been working into the development of extensible theorem provers, normalisation for natural deduction systems, ontologies, formalisation of multi-agent systems and proof theory for logic systems. I was on the directive committee of the Brazilian Logic Society (SBL, 2017-2019 and 2019-2021), former coordinator of the Logic Interest Group of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC, 2020-2024), and I am the current 2o Vice-President of the Brazilian Logic Society.
Research interests
My main research area is Logic, but I use to work in some other applied fields. Among others, my research interests are
- Automated and interactive theorem proving
- Coordination languages
- Dynamic logics
- Formal methods
- Logics
- Modal logics
- Petri nets
- Proof theory

If you think that we can join efforts working together, send me an email by <my_first_name> <at>!