Publicacoes 2023
Book Chapters/ Capitulos de livros:
- Adriel dos Santos Araujo, Roger Resmini, Maira Beatriz Hernandez Moran, Milena Henriques de Sousa Issa, Aura Conci, Computer techniques for detection of breast cancer and follow up neoadjuvant treatment: Using infrared examinations, in: Research Anthology on Medical Informatics in Breast and Cervical Cancer, pp. 457-493, Editor IGI Global.
- ICT Applications for Smart Cities, Springer Nature, Sappa, A.D. Ed. eBook ISBN
978-3-031-06307-7, Print ISBN
Chapter_4: M.B.H. Moran, A. Conci, A. Sanchez, Knive Detection, pp. 57-77, 20 p.
- ICT Applications for Smart Cities, Springer Nature, Sappa, A.D. Ed. eBook ISBN
978-3-031-06307-7, Print ISBN
Chapter_9: Fernando P. G. de Sa, Cristhian Aguilera, Cristhian A. Aguilera, and Aura
Conci, Melamine Faced Panel Inspection, pp. 165-183, 19 p.
Projetos / Projects
- Programa Apoio a Projetos Tematicos no Estado do RJ: FAPERJ Faixa B. USO DA DIGITALIZACAO 3D E DA IMPRESSAO 3D PARA AVALIACAO DE ALTERACOES DA SUPERFICIE DA MAMA PARA INVESTIGACAO DO CANCER DE MAMA: Use of 3D scanning and 3D printing to develop methods and computational systems to assist healthcare professionals in assessing breast surface changes in order to investigate breast cancer and other pathologies
Eventos / Conferences:
- MICCAI 2023, the 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Vancouver, Canada
- AICCSA 2023 - ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications - Gize, Egito
4-7 de Dezembro
- IWSSIP 2023 - Ohrid - North Macedonia - June 27-29, 2023
- IMX 2023 12 a 15 de junho de 2023 NANTES;
- LIQUE 2023 em Nantes ou WWW, 12 de junho.
- SIBGRAPI SBGAMES '2023 will be held from November 6th to 9th in the city of Rio Grande, RS , Brazil.
- 25th SVR
- ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX) - Nantes, on June 12-15, 2023. - LIQUE is workshop in ubiquitous experiences.
Papers: 6 ! this year in ACM - previous one at: SOL :
- A. A. de Souza, C. M. G Costa, V. V. B. Costa, D. R. Menezes, A. Conci , M. A. Acioly, " Utilidade da Termografia IR intraoperatoria para a identificacao das relacoes vasculares em lesoes intragranianas" , XVII Congresso da Sociedade de Neurocirurgia do Rio de Janeiro, Premio de melhor trabalho cientifico das ligas academicas, 2 a 4 junho, Hotel Fairmont Rio, Copacabana.
Papers in Conferences:
- Maira Moran, Larissa Oliveira, Marcelo Faria, Luciana Bastos, Gilson Giraldi, Jose Firmino Nogueira Neto e Aura Conci, A Lightweight Segmentation Method for
Mandibular Canal Based on Arch Shape and Hough
Transform, Published in: 2023 IEEE 11th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), , Houston, TX, USA: 26-29 June 2023, DOI: 10.1109/ICHI57859.2023.00046 , URL:
- Gleidson M Costa, Eudoxia L. S.
Moura, Tiago B. Borchartt, and
Aura Conci,
"3D surface modeling of the breast using thermography",MICCAI 2023, the 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, 2nd Int'l workshop on Artificial Intelligence over Infrared Images for Medical Applications (AIIIMA)
- Matheus Baffa, Lucas Lattari, Aura Conci, "Segmentation of breast by 3D U-nets' , MICCAI 2023, the 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, 2nd Int'l workshop on Artificial Intelligence over Infrared Images for Medical Applications (AIIIMA)
- Nuba Pricigalli, Eudoxia L. S.
Moura, and
Aura Conci, "Is symetry important in breast infrared examinations? ", MICCAI 2023, the 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, 2nd Int'l workshop on Artificial Intelligence over Infrared Images for Medical Applications (AIIIMA)
- Maira Moran, Larissa Oliveira, Marcelo Faria, Luciana Bastos, Gilson Giraldi, Jose Firmino Nogueira Neto e Aura Conci, Segmentation of skin layers in ultrasound images using a crowdsourcing and deep learning-based system, has been accepted as a full paper at AICCSA 2023 - ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications - Gize, Egito
4-7 de Dezembro
- Joao Vitor Souza Chagas, Gleber Teixeira, Andre Goncalves, Fernanda Passos and Aura Conci, "A computer vision approach to calculate diameter, volume, velocity and flow rate of bubble leaks in offshore wells" 8pp. full paper at AICCSA 2023 Conference Proceeding, ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications - Gize, Egito
4-7 de Dezembro
. DOI Bookmark: 10.1109/AICCSA59173.2023.10479259
- Adriel S. Araujo;
Issa Milena H.S.;
Angel Sanchez;
Debora C. Muchaluat-Saade;
Aura Conci, "A Thermographic Time Series Approach for Evaluating the Breast Cancer Treatment" a full paper at AICCSA 2023 - ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications - Gize, Egito
4-7 de Dezembro
- 8pp. ,
DOI Bookmark: 10.1109/AICCSA59173.2023.10479339
- Adriel S. Araujo;
Issa Milena H.S.;
Angel Sanchez;
Debora C. Muchaluat-Saade;
Aura Conci, "Utilizing Infrared Thermography for Assessing Breast Cancer Treatment Progression",2023 30th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP),DOI: 10.1109/IWSSIP58668.2023.10180273
- Rogerio C. Hart;
Luiz Marcos G. Goncalves;
Aura Conci;
Dunfrey P. Aragao, "Comparing image processing techniques for bubble separation and counting in underwater leaks", 2023 30th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP), DOI: 10.1109/IWSSIP58668.2023.10180297
- Adriel Santos Araujo, Milena Henriques de Sousa Issa, Angel Sanchez , Debora Muchaluat-Saade, Aura Conci, "Termografia como
Ferramenta de Avaliacao Durante o Tratamento Neoadjuvante para Cancer de
Mama", XXIII Simposio Brasileiro de Computacao Aplicada a Saude, SBCAS 2023, Jun 27- 30, 2023, Sao Paulo, SP, Anais : 2023: Proceedings of the 23rd Brazilian Symposium on Computing Applied to Health, pp. 280-291,
(where there is the complete paper)
- Marcelo Marques da Rocha, Aura Conci and Debora Chirstina Muchaluat-Saade, "Voice Emotion Recognition Based on Color Histogram Features", IEEE 36th International Symposium on Computer Based Medical Systems (CBMS) 2023, IEEE CBMS 2023 , (, L'Aquila, Italy, June 22 - 24. DOI: 10.1109/CBMS58004.2023.00241
- Iuliana Marin , Aura Conci, Dorina Popovici,
"Innovative Educational Plataform with ICT courses devoted to doctors and Health Professionals"
, 15th EDULEARN conference , 15th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies , 3-5 July, 2023,
Palma - Mallorca (Spain)
- Joao Vitor de Souza Chagas, Wallace do Carmo Moraes e Aura Conci , Cell Interact um jogo para aprender biologia celular
Simposio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital SBGAMES 2023 realizado em Rio
Grande, Brasil, de 6 a 9 de Novembro 2023, to appear at SOL.
Papers in journals / Artigos em periodicos:
Otmani Imane
, Amroune Mohamed
, Rahmani Foued Lazhar
, Soltani
, Benkhelifa Elhadj and Aura Conci, LAMIS-DMDB: A New Full Field Digital Mammography
Database for Breast Cancer AI-CAD Researches, accepted for publication in Biomedical Signal Processing and Control , to appear in 2024.
A. Conci: " H. Stachel: From Professor to Partner" , Journal for Geometry and Graphics.
Heldermann Verlag, vol 26, no 1, pp 19-23 JGG
- Maira B. H. Moran, Aura Conci, " Dental arch definition in computed tomographs using two semi-automatic methods" , Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing , Springer / Nature
- Maira B.H. Moran, Eduardo C. Vasconcellos, Jordan J.S. Cuno, Mauro Biondi, Jose M. Riveaux, Maury D. Correia,
Esteban W. Gonzalez Clua and Aura Conci, Heuristic-based approaches for fracture detection in borehole images , International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications. IJICA : , vol 14 , no 1/2, 2023, pp 78-90 - doi : 10.1504/IJICA.2023.10054514
- Ladjane Coelho Santos, Rita de Cassia Fernandes de Lima, Anselmo Cardoso de Paiva, Aura Conci and Nadja Accioly Espindola, A computing platform to analyze breast abnormalities using infrared images, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (2023) 61:305-315, -