Publicacoes 2021


Papers in conferences / Artigos em eventos :

  1. Rafael H. de Melo, A. Conci, Modeling the basic behaviors of Anesthesia Training on Relation to Cut and Penetration Feedback, ID 98, 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, from October 31 to November 4, 2021,

  2. Phellipe Caetano Santiago, Joao Vitor da Silva Chagas, Aura Conci, Um game para auxiliar no aprendizado do esqueleto humano , SBGAMES 2021 (trilha de saude) - OPEN ACCESS:

  3. Luiza Menezes, Augusto Righetti, A Conci, paper ID 215287 , An approach based on image processing techniques to segment lung region in chest X-ray images, SIBGRAPI 2021. (trab. completos).
    5 minutes video presentation (mp4 ) youtube :
    15 minutes video (mp4) youtube :

  4. Phellipe Caetano Santiago, Joao Vitor da Silva Chagas, Aura Conci, Developing Innovative Models for Learning in Social Isolation Environments: Exemplifying it for the Bone Anatomy Study, IMX - LIQUE 2021 (workshop) - 1st Life Improvement in Quality by Ubiquitous Experiences Workshop (LIQUE 2021), together with IMX 2021 - ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, bring the papers selected and presented in New York City (virtual) on June 21, 2021., OPEN ACCESS:

  5. Jose M. Carneiro da Silva, Heron Botelho, Fernando A. Fernandes, Aura Conci, Claudio T. Mesquita, "Presenting a system to aid on the scintigraphy bone metastasis analysis using DICOM files" ,submission number : 18, IWSSIP 2021 - June 2 - 4, International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, Bratislava, Eslovaquia.

  6. FARIA, M. D. B. ; BASTOS, L. F. ; MORAN, M. B. H. ; GIRALDI, G. ; CONCI, A. . Convolutional neural network models as an assistive tool in the evaluation of approximal caries severity. In: International Congress of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology, 2021, Gwangju. Abstract book of the 23rd International Congress of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology, 2021. ISBN (print): 0-905749-94-4
    - (or) -
    Marcelo Daniel Brito Faria, Luciana Freitas Bastos, Maira Beatriz Hernandez Moran, Larissa Oliveira, Gilson Giraldi, Aura Conci,Convolutional neural network models as an assistive tool in the evaluation of approximal caries severity,ICDMFR 2021, The 23rd International Congress of Dento Maxillo Facial Radiology, 28 Abril - 01 Maio, 2021

  7. FARIA, M. D. B. ; BASTOS, L. F. ; MORAN, M. B. H. ; OLIVEIRA, L. A. V. ; GIRALDI, G. ; CONCI, A. . A comparative study on the subjective visual quality of periapical radiographs treated with deep-learning resolution improvement methods. In: International Congress of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology, 2021, Gwangju. Abstract book of the 23rd International Congress of Dento Maxillo Facial Radiology, 2021. ISBN (print): 0-905749-94-4
    - (or) -
    Marcelo Daniel Brito Faria, Luciana Freitas Bastos, Maira Beatriz Hernandez Moran, Larissa Oliveira, Gilson Giraldi, Aura Conci, A comparative study on the subjective visual quality of periapical radiographs treated with deep-learning resolution improvement methods , ICDMFR 2021, The 23rd International Congress of Dento Maxillo Facial Radiology, 28 Abril - 01 Maio, 2021

  8. FARIA, M. D. B. ; BASTOS, L. F. ; MORAN, M. B. H. ; GIRALDI, G. ; CONCI, A. . Automatic maxillary sinuses 3D segmentation in cone beam computerized tomography. In: International Congress of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology, 2021, Gwangju. Abstract of the 23rd International Congress of Dento Maxillo Facial Radiology, 2021. ISBN (print): 0-905749-94-4
  9. Adriel Santos Araujo, Milena H. S. Issa, Petrucio R. T. Medeiros, Angel Sanchez, Debora C. Muchaluat-Saade and Aura Conci, Clustering Thermography Data to Follow up Breast Cancer Treatment accepted to IWSSIP 2021 (34th IEEE International Worshop on Systems Signal and Image Processing) , submission number : 55, Bratislava, Eslovaquia.

  10. Matheus Freitas Baffa , Alessandra Coelho, A. Conci, paper ID 214754 , Sessao 7, 17/06/2021 (quinta) de 14:00 a 15:35 , "Segmentacao de Imagens Infravermelhas Para Deteccao do Cancer de Mama Utilizando U-NET CNN", anais do XXI SBCAS 2021. SBC pp. 119-128. -

  11. Augusto Righetti, Luiza Menezes, A Conci, paper ID 215287Segmentacao das areas pulmonares em radiografias toracicas digitais, SBCAS 2021. Sessao 5, 17/06/2021 (quinta) das 10:45 as 12:30 , trab. completos.

  12. Adriel Santos Araujo, Milena H. S. Issa, Petrucio R. T. Medeiros, Angel Sanchez, Debora C. Muchaluat-Saade and Aura Conci, Monitoring Breast Cancer Neoadjuvant Treatment using Thermographic Time Series CBMS 2021 (34th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems) , submission number : 148, Published in: 2021 IEEE 34th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS) Date of Conference: 7-9 June 2021, Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 12 July 2021, DOI: 10.1109/CBMS52027.2021.00027, Publisher: IEEE Conference Location: Aveiro, Portugal

  13. Giomar Olivera, Leandro F. Fernandes, Aura Conci, "Using Geometric Graph Matching in Image Registration". submission number 83, in: Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Volume 1:pp. 87-98, GRAPP 2021 - A. Augusto Sousa, Vlastimil Havran, Jose Braz, Kadi Bouatouch (Eds.) ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6, published by SCITEPRESS VISAPP 2021 - conference proceedings - Full Paper DOI: 10.5220/0010239200870098.

  14. Macedo, M.M. ; Sallas, J.; Conci, A . "Hough Transform Voting Scheme for Detection of Parabolas and Open Conics in Images ". 19th edition of the International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, 2021.pp. 408-418 - - Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC, volume 1296) , indexed in SCOPUS and EI-Compendex. ISSN 2194-5357 (print) ISSN 2194-5365 (electronic) ISBN 978-3-030-63402-5 ISBN 978-3-030-63403-2 (eBook)
    - (or) -
    Macedo M.M.G., Salas J., Conci A. (2021) Hough Transform Voting Scheme for Detection of Parabolas and Open Conics in Images. In: Cheng LY. (eds) ICGG 2020 - Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics. ICGG 2021. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1296. Springer, Cham.

  15. Maira Moran, Marcelo Faria, Gilson Giraldi, Luciana Bastos, Bruno Inacio, and Aura Conci, "On using convolutional neural networks to classify periodontal bone destruction in periapical radiographs", IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine 2020, IEEE . DOI: 10.1109/BIBM49941.2020.9313501 - December 16-19.
    M. B. H. Moran, M. Faria, G. Giraldi, L. Bastos, B. da Silva Inacio and A. Conci, "On using convolutional neural networks to classify periodontal bone destruction in periapical radiographs," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), Seoul, Korea (South), - December 16-19. 2020, pp. 2036-2039, doi: 10.1109/BIBM49941.2020.9313501.

Book Chapter / Capitulo de livro:

Macedo, M.M. ; Sallas, J.; Conci, A . "Hough Transform Voting Scheme for Detection of Parabolas and Open Conics in Images ", in Volume 1296 , Chapter 37, of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing series. Springer Nature - indexed in SCOPUS and EI-Compendex.

M.B.H. Moran, M.D.B. Faria, L.F. Bastos, G.A. Giraldi and A. Conci, Combining image processing and artificial intelligence for dental image analysis: trends, challenges and applications, in: Trends, Challenges, and Applications. In: Johri P., Divan M.J., Khanam R., Marciszack M., Will A. (eds) Trends and Advancements of Image Processing and Its Applications. EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. Springer, Cham. pp. 75-105, Print ISBN 978-3-030-75944-5, Online ISBN 978-3-030-75945-2, First Online 14 November 2021,

Journal / Periodico

  1. Bruno Barros, Paulo Lacerda, Celio Albuquerque, Aura Conci, "Pulmonary COVID-19: Learning Spatiotemporal Features Combining CNN and LSTM Networks for Lung Ultrasound Video Classification" , Sensors, 2021, 21(16), 5486; Special Issue Image Sensing and Processing with Convolutional Neural Networks,
    available online: doi: 10.3390/s21165486
    PDF Version:
    Special Issue:

  2. Jose R. Gonzalez, Charbel Damiao, Maira Moran, Cristina A. Pantaleao, Rubens A. Cruz, Giovanna A. Balarini, Aura Conci, "A Computational Study on the Role of Parameters for Identification of Thyroid Nodules by Infrared Images (and Comparison with Real Data)" , Sensors mdpi, Special Issue Thermal Imaging Sensors and Their Applications. PDF Version:, Sensors 2021, 21(13), 4459; - 29 Jun 2021 (Open access) .

  3. Dunfrey Pires Aragao, Emerson Vilar Oliveira, Arthur Andrade Bezerra, Davi Henrique dos Santos, Andouglas Goncalves da Silva-Junior, Igor Gadelha Pereira, Prisco Piscitelli, Alessandro Miani, Cosimo Distante, Jordan Salas Cuno, Aura Conci, Luiz Marcos Goncalves, Journal of Environmental Research , Multivariate Data Driven Prediction of COVID-19 Dynamics: Towards New Results with Temperature, Humidity and Air Quality Data , Manuscript Number: ER-21-3126R1 -

  4. Roger Resmini, Lincoln Silva, Adriel Santos Araujo , Petrucio Medeiros, Debora Muchaluat-Saade, Aura Conci, Combining Genetic Algorithms and SVM for Breast Cancer Diagnosis using Infrared ThermographySection: Sensing and Imaging, Thermal Imaging Sensors and Their Applications Sensors, 2021, 21(14), 4802;

  5. Roger Resmini; Lincoln Faria Silva; Petrucio Medeiros; Adriel Araujo; Debora Muchaluat-Saade; Aura Conci, SI: Recent Trends in Cognitive Computing for Healthcare, Title: A Hybrid Methodology for Breast Screening and Cancer Diagnosis Using Thermography, Journal: Computers in Biology and Medicine, Volume 135, August 2021, 104553. Manuscript Number: CIBM-D-20-03571R2, available online at: - doi: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.104553

  6. Paulo Lacerda, Bruno Barros, Celio Albuquerque, Aura Conci, Hyperparameter Optimization for COVID-19 Pneumonia Diagnosis Based on Chest CT, Biosensors, Sensors 2021, 21(6), 2174; Biomedical Signal Processing for Disease Diagnosis , Sensors MDPI , ISSN : 1424-8220,

  7. Maira Moran , Marcelo Faria, Gilson Giraldi, Luciana Bastos, Aura Conci , Do Radiographic Assessments of Periodontal Bone Loss Improve with Deep Learning Methods for Enhanced Image Resolution? , Special Issue Sensing and Imaging Technology in Dentistry , Sensors 2021, 21(6), 2013;
    available online: Abstract:
    PDF Version:
    Sensors MDPI, ISSN 1424-8220, 2021 - doi: 10.3390/s21062013

  8. Chalbel Damiao, Jose Gonzalez, Maira B. H Moran, Maria Auxiliadora Saad, Claudio Fainstein, Manoel Fernando de Oliveira Rodrigues, Cristina Pantaleao Fontes, Guivanna Balarine, Rubens Cruz Flo., Aura Conci, Application of thermography in the diagnostic investigation of thyroid nodules, Endocrine Journal, Manuscript ID EJ20-0541.R2 , ISSN 0918-8959.
    Endocr J . 2021 May 28;68(5):573-581. doi: 10.1507/endocrj.EJ20-0541. Epub 2021 Jan 21.
    (Open Access) - DOI: 10.1507/endocrj.EJ20-0541

  9. Maira Moran , Marcelo Faria, Gilson Giraldi, Luciana Bastos, Larissa Oliveira, Aura Conci ,Classification of Approximal Caries in Bitewing Radiographs Using Convolutional Neural Networks Sensors 2021, 21(15), 5192;

  10. Erick O. Rodrigues; Aura Conci; Panos Liatsis. ELEMENT: Multi-Modal Retinal Vessel Segmentation Based on a Coupled Region Growing and Machine Learning Approach, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics ( Volume: 24, Issue: 12, Dec. 2020, Page(s): 3507 - 3519), Print ISSN: 2168-2194 Electronic, ISSN: 2168-2208, PubMed ID: 32750920 DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2020.2999257

  11. Maira Moran; Marcelo Faria; Gilson Giraldi; Luciana Bastos; Aura Conci, " Using super-resolution generative adversarial network models and transfer learning to obtain high resolution digital periapical radiographs", Journal: Computers in Biology and Medicine, Manuscript Number: CBM-D-20-01766R1 - DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2020.104139 - Article Type: Full Length Article. ISSN : 0010-4825

  12. Chalbel Damiao, Jose Gonzalez, Maira B. H Moran, Cristina Pantaleao Fontes, Guivanna Balarine, Rubens Cruz Flo., Aura Conci, "On the possibility of using temperature to aid in thyroid nodule investigation", Scientific Reports, 2021 (Open Access) ISSN: 2045-2322
    Springer Nature SharedIt initiative:

Editorial Boards: :

  • International Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics - JMIHI: see .

  • International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems -
  • International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering - see:
    IJSISE covers theoretical, experimental and applied aspects of the engineering design of signal and imaging systems, with emphasis on signal generation and image formation mechanisms, transmission, sensing, analysis and processing, and post-processing algorithms.

  • Lives / Participacao como convidada em programas on-lines:

    1. Recent Works on Biomedical Image Analysis at IC / UFF - International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Innovative Solutions for Digital Healthcare - March 24th, 2021
    2. Ciencia de Dados na Escola Regional de Informatica - CEFET RJ : 23-11-2021 18:00 - Mulheres na Computacao e na Pesquisa Aplicada - moderador: Luciene Motta , debatedoras: Aura Conci, Cristina Nader, Dani Monteirao, Raissa Amaral, Carol e Myrna.

    Lista das Qualis . - Disponivel em: -


    revistas internacionaiscongressosinternacionaisrevistasnacionaiscongressosnacionaiscongr.pan-americanos e latino-americanosresumos e congr. sem "referees"