Artigos em periodicos:
- Aura Conci, John Carvalho, Thomas Rauber, "A complete system for vehicle plate localization, segmentation and recognition in real life scene". "Um sistema completo para localizacao, segmentacao e reconhecimento de placas de veiculos em cenas reais do cotidiano".
Revista IEEE-AL Volume: 7, Issue: 5, pp. 497-506 Date: Sept. 2009 - Qualis C Internacional - ISSN 1548-0992 - Paper ID: 534 . (periodico)
- Erick Baptista Passos, Mark Joselli, Marcelo Zamith, Jack Rocha, Esteban Walter Gonzalez Clua, Anselmo Montenegro, Aura Conci, Bruno Feijo, "A bidimensional data structure and spatial optimization for supermassive
crowd simulation on GPU" ,
Journal of Computers in Entertainment , (CIE) archive -
Volume 7 , Issue 4 (December 2009) , SPECIAL ISSUE: Games
SECTION: Games Research,
Article No.: 60,
ISSN:1544-3574 - Publisher ACM , New York, NY, USA
- Mark Joselli, Marcelo Zamith.
Esteban Clua, Anselmo Montenegro,
Regina Leal-Toledo, Aura Conci, Paulo Pagliosa,
Luis Valente, Bruno Feijo, "An adaptative game loop architecture with automatic distribution of tasks
between CPU and GPU", Journal of Computers in Entertainment (CIE) ,
Volume 7 , Issue 4 (December 2009) , SPECIAL ISSUE: Games, SECTION: Games Research, Article No.: 50,
ISSN:1544-3574, Publisher ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Flavio Luiz Seixas, Andrea Silveira de Souza, Debora C. Muchaluat Saade,
Aura Conci, "Intelligent Brain Image Segmentation", International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications , Editor Dr. Nadia Nedjah ,
Inderscience Publishers , ISSN (Online): 1751-6498 - ISSN (Print): 1751-648X, Volume 2 - Issue 1 - 2009, p. 23-33 , DOI: 10.1504/IJICA.2009.027994.
What is a DOI: Digital Object Identifier (DOI)?
Artigos em Anais de Congressos Internacionais (com revisores):
J. R. Bokehi, N. C. M. Vasconcellos and A. Conci, Use of Coherence Measurements between EEG and EMG on Identification of the Myoclonus Locus,
Paper ID: 914852, presented in Session: Image processing for medical applications, 4pp. IWSSIP 2009:16th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing for the year 2009, organized by the Technological Educational Institute of Chalkida, 18-20 June.
- Otton Teixeira da Silveira Filho Aura Conci Rodrigo Carvalho Rafael Mello Rita Lima,
Paper ID: 549374 On Using Lacunarity for Diagnosis of Breast Diseases Considering Thermal Images, presented in Session: Image processing for medical applications, 4pp. IWSSIP 2009:16th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing for the year 2009, organized by the Technological Educational Institute of Chalkida, 18-20 June.
- Marcelo Zamith, Anselmo Montenegro, Erick Passos, Esteban Clua, Aura Conci and Regina Leal-Toledo, Pedro Thiago Mourao,
Paper ID: 105084, Real time feature-based parallel morphing in GPU applied to texture-based animation Presented in session: Speech segmentation and geographical data processing, 4pp. : CD do evento: 786251.pdf. IWSSIP 2009:16th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing for the year 2009, organized by the Technological Educational Institute of Chalkida, 18-20 June.
- A. Conci, C. S. Kubrusly and Thomas Walter Rauber, Influence of the Wavelet Family in the Compression-Denoising Technique
on Synthetic and Natural Images, Paper ID: 26455, presented in section Session: Image processing, 4pp. IWSSIP 2009:16th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing for the year 2009, organised by the Technological Educational Institute of Chalkida, 18-20 June.
- Aura Conci; A. Plastino; A. S. de Souza; C. S. Kubrusly; D. C. M. Saade and F. L. Seixas;
"Automated Segmentation and Clinical Information on Dementia Diagnosis" Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Medical Image Analysis and Description for Diagnosis Systems - MIADS 2009 - ISBN 978-989-8111-77-7. (Deposito Legal 286820/08 Medical Image Analysis and Description for Diagnosis Systems, Volume Editor: Khalifa Djemal (University of Evry Val dessonne- France) . Editora: INSTICC PRESS ,Portugal - number 5, 10-page - BIOSTEC - Porto- Portugal -in Second International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies BIOSTEC 2009, de 14 a 17 de Janeiro. Porto - Portugal - pp. 33-42 (papel)
- Aura Conci; Marcello Fonseca; Carlos S. Kubrusly and Thomas Raubert, "Considering the Wavelet Type and Contents on the Compression-Decompression Associated with Improvement of Blurred Images",
Paper number: 273 , in Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - VISIGRAPP /
VISAPP , vol II, pp. 79-84 (CD-ROM) , 5 - 8 February, 2009 - Lisbon, Portugal. ISBN 978-989-8111-74-6, presented at paralllel section 4- Image Formation and Processing, Book of Abstracts p. 75, INSTICC PRESS, Lisboa, Portugal, in cooperation with ACM Siggraph and Eurographics
- Thiago Oliveira dos Santos, Aura Conci, Thomas Walter Rauber, "A Tutorial Tool for the Visualization of the Viewing Volume in OpenGl", ICECE'2009 - International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education, Buenos Ayres, Argentina, 8 - 11 March, 2009.
- Ladjane Coelho dos Santos, Luciete Alves Bezerra, Thiago Leite Rolim,
Paulo Roberto Maciel Lyra,
Marcus Costa de Araujo,
Ewerton Diego Castro Silva,
Aura Conci e
Rita de Cassia Fernandes de Lima, Desenvolvimento de Ferramenta Computacional para Analise Parametrica da Influencia da Posicao e do Tamanho do Tumor de Mama em Perfis ee Temperatura, CIBIM 9, 9o Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenieria Mecanica , Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, de 17 a 20 de novembro de 2009, Memoria Tecnica do IX Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenieria Mecanica p.396.
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- Tiago Bonini Borchartt, Marcos Cordeiro Ornellas,
Aura Conci,
Alicia Del Carmen Becerra Romero e Paulo Henrique Pires de Aguiar, On a New Use of Automatic Morphing Techniques: to Correct Distortion of Endoscopic Systems, presented in CILAMCE 2009, 8-11 Novembro, Buzios, RJ.
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Artigos em Congressos Nacionais
- Andre Brazil, Lucia Baruque, Aura Conci (UFF), Distance Teaching Game Development SBGames 2009.Trilha de Computacao do SBGames ,8 a 10 de outubro, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), artigos completos.
- Paulo Andrade, M. Andrade,M. Ramos, E, Clua, Aura Conci e A. Motenegro(UFF), A proposal of a shadow detection architecture interface for games using portable projectors
SBGAME 2009.Trilha de Computacao do SBGames ,8 a 10 de outubro, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio),artigos resumidos.
- A. Bradao, E. Passos, C. Vasconcelos, E, Clua, Aura Conci, Silvia Brandao, P.T. Mourao e M. d'Ornellas(UFF), Stimulating imitation of children with Down sybdrome using a game approach SBGames 2009.Trilha de Computacao do SBGames ,8 a 10 de outubro, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), artigos resumidos.
- Lincoln Silva (UFF), Aura Conci (UFF), Angel Sanchez (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos),
Automatic discrimination between printed and handwritten text in documentsSIBGRAPI 2009 - XXIInd Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), October 11th and 14th, 2009- full papers Page(s):261 - 267 - DOI:
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ - SIBGRAPI.2009.40
ISSN: 1550-1834,
ISBN: 978-1-4244-4978-1
presented orally in :TP8 Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition II: Tuesday October 13th, 14:30-16:30 .
- Luciano Oliveira Junior, Aura Conci (UFF), On the possibility of fingerprint identification by pores detection in 500 dpi images-SIBGRAPI 2009 - XXIInd Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), October 11th and 14th, - extended abstracts, DVD SIBGRAPI2009- ISSN 2176-0853, poster. 2p.:obter trabalho
- Joao Gazolla, Aura Conci (UFF), An Adaptive System to Diminish the Influence of Clouds in Satellite Images for Texture Segmentation-SIBGRAPI 2009 - XXIInd Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), October 11th and 14th, - extended abstracts,DVD SIBGRAPI2009- ISSN 2176-0853, poster. 2p.:obter trabalho
- Marcos Ramos, Aura Conci (UFF), An interactive interface based on 2D object pose estimation - XXIInd Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), October 11th and 14th, SIBGRAPI 2009 - extended abstracts , DVD SIBGRAPI2009- ISSN 2176-0853,poster. 2p.:obter trabalho
- Esteban Clua, Anselmo Montenegro, Micheli Andrade, Aura Conci, An automatic method of applying color in digital images,-SIBGRAPI 2009 - XXIInd Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), October 11th and 14th, - extended abstracts , DVD SIBGRAPI2009- ISSN 2176-0853,poster. 2p.:obter trabalho
- Tiago Borchartt, Aura Conci, Marcos d Ornellas, A warping based approach to correct distortions in endoscopic images -SIBGRAPI 2009- XXIInd Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), October 11th and 14th, - extended abstracts , DVD SIBGRAPI2009- ISSN 2176-0853,poster. 2p.:obter trabalho
- Rodrigo Serrano, Leonardo Soares Motta, Monica Batista, Aura Conci (UFF),Using a new method in thermal images to diagnose early breast diseases -SIBGRAPI 2009 - extended abstracts - XXIInd Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), October 11th and 14th,DVD SIBGRAPI2009- ISSN 2176-0853 , poster. 2p.:obter trabalho
- Victor Oliveira, Aura Conci (UFF), Skin detection using HSV color space -SIBGRAPI 2009 - XXIInd Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), October 11th and 14th, - extended abstracts ,DVD SIBGRAPI2009- ISSN 2176-0853, poster. 2p.:obter trabalho
- Rodrigo Carvalho Serrano, Marcelo Zamith, Michele Knechtel, Anselmo Montenegro, Esteban Walter Gonzalez Clua, Aura Conci, Luciete A. Bezerra, Rita de Cassia F. de Lima
Reconstruindo as imagens termograficas a partir dos arquivos JPEG em false color para auxilio no diagnostico mastologico
II Encontro Nacional de Engenharia Biomecanica: ENEBI 2009,de 6 a 8 de maio - Florianopolis- SC - p. 83-84 do CD-ROM do evento
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- Felipe J. Castro, Simone Vasconselos, Rodrigo Carvalho Serrano, Leonardo Soares Motta, Pedro Martins Menezes, Luciete A. Bezerra, Rita de Cassia Fernandes de Lima, Aura ConciUm sistema para pre processamento de imagens termicas e modelagem tridimensional aplicadas a Mastologia.
- trab 104- II Encontro Nacional de Engenharia Biomecanica: ENEBI 2009,de 6 a 8 de maio - Florianopolis- SC - p. 104-105 do CD-ROM do evento
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Bispo, L.F. ; Castro, F. J. ; Conci, A., Desenvolvimento de um Caderno de Laboratorio Eletronico para Organicos Utilizando a Linguagem JAVA. In: 32o Reuniao Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Quimica, 30/05 a 02/06/2009, Fortaleza. Anais da 32o RASBQ. Sao Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Quimica, 2009. v. 1. p. 45. TC-45 : ver trabalho
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