D. do Bem Oliveira, A. Conci,AN APPROACH TO VECTOR CONVERSION OF PATTERNS USED ON THE APPARELL INDUSTRY, presented on Monday 07, 16h20-18h20 - section A06 : 12th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Geometry - ICGG'06 , (paper code 98), organized by:
Instituto Escola Politecnica USP. ICGG 2006 . Obter apresentacao do trabalho.
Luis Valente e Aura Conci Padroes de projeto aplicados em desenvolvimento de jogos para computador, World Congress on Computer Science, Engineering and Technology Education, WCCSETE 2006;
Simposio de Pesquisa Operacional e Logistica da Marinha
15 e 16 de agosto, Escola de Guerra Naval, Rio de Janeiro.
M. Macedo, V. B. Mendes, A. Conci and F. R. Leta ,"Using Hough Transform as an Auxiliary Technique for Vickers Hardness Measurement ", 13th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP 2006) is co-organised by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary and Technical University of Kosice, Slovak Republic, in cooperation with IEEE, IEEE Region 8, IEE, IEEE Hungarian Section, EURASIP ISBN- 80-89082-09-2, pp. 287-299.
Obter apresentacao do trabalho.
R. H. C. de Melo, E. A. Veira, A. Conci,"Comparing Appoaches to Compute Lacunarity of Mammograms", 13th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP 2006) is co-organised by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary and Technical University of Kosice, Slovak Republic, in cooperation with IEEE, IEEE Region 8, IEE, IEEE Hungarian Section, EURASIP, ISBN- 80-89082-09-2, pp. 299-302. presentation Obter apresentacao do trabalho.
Evelyn de A. Vieira, Rafael H. C. de Melo, Aura Conci,"Characterizing the Lacunarity of Objects and Image Sets: Its Use as a Technique for the Analysis of Textural Patterns"Acivs 2006 - Sept 18-21, 2006, University of Antwerp, Belgium -
Sponsored by: Eurasip, IEEE Benelux Signal Processing Chapter.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Eds. J. Blanc-Talon, W. Philips, D. Popescu, P. Scheunders - Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems - LNCS 4179 , Springer, ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN-10 3-540-44630-3, ISBN-13 978-3-540-44630-9, (2006) 208-219. Obter versão local do trabalho.
L. F. Xavier, R. C. P. L. Toledo, A. Conci,"Image Noise Reduction Based on Cellular Automata Filter"SIBGRAPI-Posters 2006, #22391, Simp. Brasileiro de Comput. Grafica, Processamento de Imagens e Visao Computacional, 08 a 11 de outubro de 2006 em Manaus, Amazonas
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Marcio Camilo, A. Conci, "Guffs Character Animation System for 3D
Games"SIBGRAPI-Posters 2006 paper # 22410, Simposio Brasileiro de Computacao Grafica, Processamento de Imagens e Visao Computacional, 08 a 11 de outubro de 2006 em Manaus, Amazonas
Obter trabalho.
Luis Valente, Bruno Feijo e A. Conci,
paper 23676 "An Architecture for Game State
Management based on State Hierarchies" accepted to SBGames 2006 - Computing DIGITAL PROCEEDINGS of the V Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment
Marcio Camilo e A. Conci,
paper 23676 "Guffs Character Animation System for 3D Games and Applications" accepted to SBGames 2006 - Computing
DIGITAL PROCEEDINGS of the V Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment