CONCI, A. and PROENÇA, C. B., "A Computer Vision Approach for Textile Inspection",Textile Research Journal, published by Textile Research Institute, Princeton, New Jersey - ISSN 0040-5175, Vol 70 No. 4, April, 2000, pp.347-350.
CONCI, A. and PROENÇA , C. B., "A Comparison Between Image Processing Approaches on Textile Inspection", Journal of the Textile Institute
Vol. 91 Part One - Fibre Science and Textile Technology, No. 2, pp.317-323, 2000. ISSN 0400-5000, Manchester,URL:
LETA, F.R., PAMPLONA, D., WEBER, H.I., CONCI, A. e PITANGUY, I., "A Study of the Faciial Aging" , Journal of the Braz. Soc. of Mechanical Sciences, RBCM- ISSN 0100-7386, Ed. ABCM volume XXII, No. 3, pp. 489-501, 2000.
CONCI, A. and MONTEIRO, L. H., "Multifractal Characterization of Texture-Based Segmentation",IEEE - ICIP 2000, Vancover, Canada, September 10-13, Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing on paper and CD-ROM - ISBN 0 7803 6300 0 edited by IEEE Computer Society, on CD-ROM paper n. 2337 and on paper pp. 792-795.
CONCI, A. and CASTRO, E. M. M. M., "Image Retrieval System in Datbaes: the problem of color similarity", ICGG - I. S. G. G. , Johannesburg, South Africa, July 28 - 31, Proceedings of the 9Th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics- ISBN 65-900351-1-5, edited by Johann Pretorius, Published by Rand Afrikaans University, vol 1, pp. 174 - 178 . Obter trabalho.
CONCI, A. and MONTEIRO, L. H., "An Approach to Estimate the Hausdorff Dimension of Textures",ICONNE 2000, Campos do Jordão , SP, July 31, August 4, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos Control and Their Applications to Engineering Science- ISBN Â 65-900351-1-5, edited by J. M. Balthazar, D./T. Mook & J. M. Rosario , ABCM & AAM, 12 pages, vol. 1, pp. 100-112, 2000.
COELHO, F.F.S., CONCI, A., "Investication of Meteorological Satellite Imagens Using Multifractal Analysis", Abstracts do CILAMCE 2000, 21st Iberian Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engeering , 6 a 8 de dezembro de 2000, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Edited by Luiz Eloy Vaz, ISBN 85-901717-1-x , p. 148. Trabalho completo em CD of XXI CILAMCE - CILAMCE'2000
CONCI, A. , CORREA, R. D. , "Um Sistema Auxiliar na Identificação de Pontos Importantes para Analise de Imagens Laringoscopicas" trabalho completo nos anais em CD do XXI Congresso Ibero Latino - Americano de Metodos Computacionais em Engenharia - CILAMCE'2000 - IMPA- Rio de Janeiro, RJ - 6 a 8 de dezembro de 2000. Resumo em Abstracts do CILAMCE 2000 21st Iberian Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engeering, Edited by Luiz Eloy Vaz, ISBN 85-901717-1-x , p. 197.